Test! ~ Evaluacion Para El Aprendizaje Del Ingles

jueves, 7 de julio de 2011


 Now we have our first Test, in this post we present to you a differents test for different years created for Mary Ramirez.


INSTRUCTIONS: Read every part of the test and answer the questions according with the statements.

PART I: Translate into English the following list of colors. (1.5pts)
-Negro:                                                                      -Púrpura:
-Blanco:                                                                     -Gris:
-Rojo:                                                                         -Azul:
-Amarillo:                                                                  -Marrón:

PART II: Answer the following questions. (1.5pts)
*What color are your pants?

*What color is your T-Shirt?

*Are your shoes black?
PART III: Fill the space provide with the correct form of the verb “Be”. (4pts)
*I                born on July 1st
*She               visiting her father yesterday.
*You                reading the newspaper last night.
*They                  good kids in their childhood.
PART IV: Identify the next animals putting the names on the space provide. (4pts)

                    .                                          .                                         .


PART V: Translate into spanish the following commands. (4pts)
*Read chapter 5 for tomorrow =
*Don’t write on the table. =
*Be quite!. =
*Don’t bring food to the class. =

PART VI: Write the following cardinal numbers correctly. (5pts)
*14=                                                                    *32=                                      
*100=                                                                  *1000=                                  
*28=                                                                     *55=
*67=                                                                     *500=
*48=                                                                     *800=


INSTRUCTIONS: Read every part of the test and answer the questions according with the statements.

PART I: Write five expressions about greeting. (5pts)
-                                                                                   .

-                                                                                   .

-                                                                                   .

-                                                                                   .

PART II: Translate the following apologizes into Spanish. (4pts)
*I apologize for shouting at you yesterday.
-                                                                                    .
*I’m sorry for being late.
-                                                                             .
*Pardon me
-                                                    .
*Excuse me, I didn’t mean to do that.
-                                                                                   .

PART III: According to the pictures, describe the feeling expressed by the face. (3pts)
·                                                *                                                 *

                                .                         .                          .                  .                                   .                      

PART IV: Fill the space provide with the correct form of the verb “Be”. (4pts)
*I                born on July 1st
*She               visiting her father yesterday.
*You                reading the newspaper last night.
*They                  good kids in their childhood.

PART V: Complete the following questions in “simple present” using the verb in the brackets. (4pts)
a) you mineral water? (to drink)
b) your teacher your homework? (to check)
c) they in the old house? (to live)
d) the cat on the wall in the mornings? (to sit)

Ths 3rd Year and 4th year test have many details if you want to chek them and you want to see this  too you can Download Tests (Docx Version)

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